Introducing this week's #FeaturedFriday, Lindy & Keegan!
Lindy & Keegan will be celebrating their Big Day on Saturday, May 7th at the Sandusky Yacht Club
The first time Keegan and I met was back in 2016 when I bought my Mustang convertible at my
hometown Ford dealership in Tiffin, OH, where he was working at the time. While I was on a mission to
buy my dream car, Keegan was on a mission to make sure he held the door for me every time he had the
opportunity. We crossed paths several times after that and Keegan asked me out. We went out for
dinner and ended up talking for hours about cars, football, fishing, and growing up in small towns. As
much fun as we had that night, it didn’t take long to realize it wasn’t good timing for either of us and we
went our separate ways… for the time being.

Our story picks back up two years later when we crossed paths again, this time at Taste of the North
Coast. I was there with my company in support of local businesses and Keegan was serving up macaroni
and cheese for a friend’s catering business. What can I say—I can’t pass up macaroni and cheese!

Shortly after that, I ended up getting sick and Keegan thoughtfully offered to bring me “leftover” chicken
noodle soup. Little did I know that as he was telling me his plans to deliver it, he was making it from
scratch from a recipe he had called his mom for earlier that day! When I was feeling better, he whisked
me off to a candle-lit dinner at The Orchard Bar and Table, a restaurant Keegan has done many
woodworking projects for since they opened. Again, we talked non-stop and the evening flew by! Our
second first date was completely last minute, on a random Wednesday night, and it turned out to be the
most perfect night even a Hollywood screenwriter couldn’t top.

Fast forward a couple weeks to meeting family and friends, and my grandma made the assumption that
because we were “in a relationship” on Facebook, that meant that we were engaged. She then
proceeded to shake her index finger at Keegan telling him, “You better take care of my girl!” We set her
straight, but this was just the first of several times it was assumed we were engaged or married already
because we looked so in love.

Keegan moved from Tiffin to Sandusky that first summer so that we could spend more time together as I had been living and working in Erie Co since 2015 and he loved being at the lake anyway. We went fishing and golfing, and found as many local places to enjoy life by the water as we could. We knew early on that this was exactly what we’d both been waiting for and spent as much time together as we possibly could.

If you get to know us as a couple at all, you’ll know that we always have a plan and work together to get it done. Well, that proved tricky for Keegan to plan the perfect proposal AND keep it a secret from me. He managed to drive to Toledo to buy the ring, drive to Tiffin to cook dinner for my parents and ask their permission, and also put in a full day of work without me catching on. That weekend we had planned to spend time with my college friends in Columbus planning one of their weddings, which proved to be the perfect ruse to get all of us together without giving away the surprise. Before we left town, we all got together for breakfast across the street from my alma mater, The Ohio State University. We went for a walk which led us to the whisper wall -- this is a curved set of concrete steps that carries low voices from one end to the other. After teasing me a little bit about not being able to hear me whispering even though he definitely could, he stopped me in the middle of the whisper wall with friends gathered around, he dropped to one knee, and asked me to be his wife. I have never been so speechless or so surprised! Even though we always have a plan, Keegan never lets me forget that it’s the little moments that we remember and not to get so wrapped up in “the plan” that we miss them.

Over the last three years, we’ve been on many road trips to visit Keegan’s family in Indiana, Illinois, and Oklahoma, and we’ve supported each other through job changes and losing loved ones. We never dreamed we’d be navigating the unknowns of a worldwide pandemic together, but we took advantage of the time the pandemic gave us by rebuilding a boat so we could spend more time fishing and enjoying the Sandusky Bay. Keegan proposed the weekend before the pandemic shutdown in Ohio and we have been patiently looking forward to celebrating our marriage with family and friends in May of 2022 in Sandusky, OH.
